Help yourself as you help others...

Last night ,ada kawan belanja makan di Topspot seafood centre.Myself,khamri,Mr Ph,and Dr Johnny.We discussed a lot of things daripada hal makan sampai ke masalah negara .Saya tertarik dengan remarks dari Mr Ph(environmental engineer).

Mr Ph;"kenapa ya,org melayu Sarawak esp. di luar bandar atau di bandar kecil tidak banyak menyertai persatuan atau badan kebajikan atau mana-mana badan NGO.Tapi meraka sangat aktif dalam parti other words yng mengutungkan mereka sendiri

I dont have the answer for that,i dont have the figure tapi from my observations memang banyak persatuan di ujudkan di kampung-kampung tapi tak berfungsi dan tak aktif langsung.Mungkin pehak berwajib perlu membuat kajian tentang perkara ini.May be i will discuss about it latter atau anda dapat memberi komen mengenai perkara ini.

Personally ,all of us should involved ourselves in community services.There are alot of NGO's which needs our supports such as
1.Persatuan ibubapa guru sekolah anak-anak kita
3.Pusat pemulihan dalam komuniti
4.Jawatan kuasa masjid dan surau di qariah kita dan banyak lagi persatuan lain
Talkings about services,it is the work of the soul,its pays psychic dividend.When you reached out to others in will see your own blessing more clearly and you become aware of what you have been taking for granted and what you're glad u dont have.

Scientific studies:
Michigan Researchers; studies done on 2700 people for 10 years.those who regularly did volunteer work had death rate 2.5 times lower than those who didnt.

Even watching others doing good job boost your immune system.
College student were shown a clip of Mother Theresa performing her charitable acts of love and studies shows components of immune system in the saliva increase by 5 folds.IgA and Immunoglobulin in the body increases.

So my friends ,when the last time you perform the good deeds.?
Dengan melakukan kerja kerja amal pertahanan badan kita akan bertambah dan insyaAllah kita dapat menghadapi berbagai penyakit yang berjangkit yang melanda dunia sekarang.ini juga dapat membuat kita awet muda.Tengoklah mereka yang terlibat dalam Mercy,Bulan Sabit Merah....mereka ok kan.

Akhir kalam,carilah mana-mana ngo dan join them ,beri sumbangan anda.insyaAllah anda akan di berkati dan di rahmati Allah.


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