
The truth is loving another person is not complicated.

It is the most natural and spontaneous thing we do…………………….

Infants and children know how to love perfectly and no one has to tell them how to do it….

. When you look at adult?................ relationships, it would seem that we have lost our natural ability to love, but in fact that isnt the case at all..

What has happened is we have erected barriers or obstacles that get in the way……..

………….. Worse yet, we adults have anesthetize our true feelings in an effort to ward off the very thing we deeply desire

When you stop criticizing yourself, you will stop criticizing others; when you are kinder to yourself, you will be kinder to others.

anger.... fear,...... guilt,...... pride,........... and shame......... are strong barriers to ...........love and happiness.

They are insidious and pernicious emotions that.......... create illusions and.................... distortions in our thoughts and actions.

We create these emotions when our standards,...... expectations,............... and agendas are not met.

Give loves.....and you will get back the loves......


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