Friday Self Reminder

Assalam my blessed friend..
Another blessed Jumaat and another gentle self reminder...

My blessed friend..
Let's be honest, all of us have IMAN swings.
There are days when you are high on IMAN and there are days when you find even praying Solat Fardu a daunting task.
There are days when you can recite alquran for an hour and then there are days when you dont feel like reading even a single verse.

My friend,
All of us are struggling, but know that ---for every steps we take to get closer to Allah,
-every desire we control in order to please Allah,
-every sweat n strength we take not to indulge in Haram/Maksiat,
-and every effort we take to do even the smallest of good deeds is being seen and appreciated by Allah..

 Al-`Ankabūt:69 - Dan orang-orang yang berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh kerana memenuhi kehendak ugama Kami, sesungguhnya Kami akan memimpin mereka ke jalan-jalan Kami (yang menjadikan mereka bergembira serta beroleh keredaan); dan sesungguhnya (pertolongan dan bantuan) Allah adalah berserta orang-orang yang berusaha membaiki amalannya.

Have a wonderful Jumaat...
More Selawat n istiqfar today.


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