Apa Kabar Kitak?

Apa Kabar Kitak? The words you use make a difference. When someone greets you and asks how you are, do you respond with cheerful enthusiasm? Adakah kita mempunyai habit expressing kpd kwn2 kita how dreary or down,tak bersemangat nya kita? The way kita respond apabila seseorang bertanya “apa kabar kitak?, Nama Rita Nuan? Ni how ma? How are you? are can have an enormous impact on your life. For when you say something out loud about the way you feel, about the way your life is going, it suddenly becomes a part of your REALITY. You may or may not believe what others say about you. Yet you most certainly do believe, at a very deep level, the things you say about yourself. Apabila seseorang bertanya dgn kita “Apa Kabar Kitak?”, that person is giving you an opportunity to strengthen and bring to the forefront the positive aspects of your life. Even if you’re feeling a little down, just by SENYUM and saying that things are going great,or “Kmek ok”…. you begin to make that your reality. The way you think and talk about yourself will have an enormous influence on they way your life progresses. Take every opportunity to make that influence a positive, enthusiastic and supportive one.


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