..on young ,educated,well informed sarawakian..
I send this sms to my friends..to get their views on…
“PM said in NST ;’ A new generation of young,well educated and better informed Malaysian has emerged.People are not stupid,so BN must learn to explain its policies better.The most important is recognizing this development”
..BN in Sarawak should look into this seriously…look at Samarahan,Asajaya,Sadong Jaya,Sebuyau…..most of the youngs and graduates are neglected in Politic Organisations at the Rantings and Cawangans Level. What say you?
Ahmad: When you talk about asajaya,sebuyau,simunjan,u must be talking about PBB….Yes, I agreed the lack of talents at the cawangan level.
At the kampong..most malay graduates are teachers.Most of them not working in their kampong and they cannot involved in politics.
When you tak ada orang yang talented di cawangan…bagaimana nak explain polisi kerajaan dgn baik…
En K:..amend the GO clauses that blocked the A group from being active in politics.
En M:..3 eras of/past pattern of autocratic suppression of Brooke Dynasty
Dictatorial Dehumanizatian of Japanese Millitary Rule
Colonial Humialiation of white rule have contributed greatly to produce a leadership vacuum among Sarawak Malay.
Kita sememangnya ramai graduan..kita tak mau melihat young Sarawak malay intellectuals only equipped for a team work and assume a second fiddle role and which they excel.
In Hollywood language,they would make a best nominess for oscar as supporting stars…
Mr Kh:..I agree,Akta kolej dan Uni is another factor to think about.How can u expect graduant to be verse in politic…kalau semuanya taboos and violations.
Mr H;..Participation by these intellectual is important so that they have the sense of belonging.Give them trust and let them work with the seniors cos young blood have lot of ideas..
Mr Ali:..Graduate themselve have to come forward.Dont wait to be picked up.
Mr J;..itu Cuma desakan rakyat..kalau ikut parti kita..pasti tidak setuju dgn dgn cadangan tersebut..
Mr Har:..at this stage,no room for young and intelligence people at BN except their relative.Malaysian politic is politic of cronisme.Takut kuasa dan kekayan jatuh ke tangan org lain.
Mr K: Jgn sekali graduate rasa mereka special class dan mesti ada special lane utk naik ke atas.
Dtk M:.Di Sarawak..politic kita adalah atas dasar “selected fews” and “by invitation”.
Mr Jam: Here ,politic belong to certain group of people.U follow them and you must ready to be their servant.
They don’t want to share your knowledges and experiences
Mr Sau :The older generation should give way and not to dominate.Younger generation must not be labeled as anti government if they venture into politics.
Mr Osm: I agree 100% WHAT pm said..and agreed on what you hv mentioned about the young educated malay.To me..get them together,form a good team and create the opportunity for them…
Mr S;..tengok senarai Ahli Majlis Daerah..kebanyakan kounselornya ada mereka yang bersekolah darjah 6 dan Form 3….Bagaimana mereka ini nak faham dasar-dasar kerajaan.
Ini adalah sebahagian daripada respon dari kawan-kawan..mana2 yang terlalu sensitive tak di letakkan disini…
Politic di Sarawak..berbeza senarionya kalau compare dgn Malaya....org melayu sarawak sangat setia dgn pemimpin mereka...marah macam mana sekali pun...tak sampai di hati....tapi generasi baru dah mula menunjukkan perubahan esp di bandar-bandar spt Kuching ,Sibu,Bintulu dan Miri.
Generasi Baru dah menjadi lebih Vokal dan Daring ,tak takut nak berubah arah.....dan bersemangat.
Fenomena ini sudah berlaku juga dikalanga intellectual Iban,Bidayuh dan Org Ulu...mereka ini lebih bersatu kalau nak compare dgn intellectual Melayu di Sarawak...
“PM said in NST ;’ A new generation of young,well educated and better informed Malaysian has emerged.People are not stupid,so BN must learn to explain its policies better.The most important is recognizing this development”
..BN in Sarawak should look into this seriously…look at Samarahan,Asajaya,Sadong Jaya,Sebuyau…..most of the youngs and graduates are neglected in Politic Organisations at the Rantings and Cawangans Level. What say you?
Ahmad: When you talk about asajaya,sebuyau,simunjan,u must be talking about PBB….Yes, I agreed the lack of talents at the cawangan level.
At the kampong..most malay graduates are teachers.Most of them not working in their kampong and they cannot involved in politics.
When you tak ada orang yang talented di cawangan…bagaimana nak explain polisi kerajaan dgn baik…
En K:..amend the GO clauses that blocked the A group from being active in politics.
En M:..3 eras of/past pattern of autocratic suppression of Brooke Dynasty
Dictatorial Dehumanizatian of Japanese Millitary Rule
Colonial Humialiation of white rule have contributed greatly to produce a leadership vacuum among Sarawak Malay.
Kita sememangnya ramai graduan..kita tak mau melihat young Sarawak malay intellectuals only equipped for a team work and assume a second fiddle role and which they excel.
In Hollywood language,they would make a best nominess for oscar as supporting stars…
Mr Kh:..I agree,Akta kolej dan Uni is another factor to think about.How can u expect graduant to be verse in politic…kalau semuanya taboos and violations.
Mr H;..Participation by these intellectual is important so that they have the sense of belonging.Give them trust and let them work with the seniors cos young blood have lot of ideas..
Mr Ali:..Graduate themselve have to come forward.Dont wait to be picked up.
Mr J;..itu Cuma desakan rakyat..kalau ikut parti kita..pasti tidak setuju dgn dgn cadangan tersebut..
Mr Har:..at this stage,no room for young and intelligence people at BN except their relative.Malaysian politic is politic of cronisme.Takut kuasa dan kekayan jatuh ke tangan org lain.
Mr K: Jgn sekali graduate rasa mereka special class dan mesti ada special lane utk naik ke atas.
Dtk M:.Di Sarawak..politic kita adalah atas dasar “selected fews” and “by invitation”.
Mr Jam: Here ,politic belong to certain group of people.U follow them and you must ready to be their servant.
They don’t want to share your knowledges and experiences
Mr Sau :The older generation should give way and not to dominate.Younger generation must not be labeled as anti government if they venture into politics.
Mr Osm: I agree 100% WHAT pm said..and agreed on what you hv mentioned about the young educated malay.To me..get them together,form a good team and create the opportunity for them…
Mr S;..tengok senarai Ahli Majlis Daerah..kebanyakan kounselornya ada mereka yang bersekolah darjah 6 dan Form 3….Bagaimana mereka ini nak faham dasar-dasar kerajaan.
Ini adalah sebahagian daripada respon dari kawan-kawan..mana2 yang terlalu sensitive tak di letakkan disini…
Politic di Sarawak..berbeza senarionya kalau compare dgn Malaya....org melayu sarawak sangat setia dgn pemimpin mereka...marah macam mana sekali pun...tak sampai di hati....tapi generasi baru dah mula menunjukkan perubahan esp di bandar-bandar spt Kuching ,Sibu,Bintulu dan Miri.
Generasi Baru dah menjadi lebih Vokal dan Daring ,tak takut nak berubah arah.....dan bersemangat.
Fenomena ini sudah berlaku juga dikalanga intellectual Iban,Bidayuh dan Org Ulu...mereka ini lebih bersatu kalau nak compare dgn intellectual Melayu di Sarawak...
Majoriti org muda yg saya jumpa 40 kebawah dapat memberi reasoning dalam isu semasa Sarawak.
Jurang antara yg kaya dan miskin makin bertambah luas dan golongan muda semakin berani mempersoalkannya.
Sy berani ramalkan dalam sedikit masa lagi jika glgn ini dpt meyakinkan glgn tua tentang 'pengkhianatan' yg berlaku di Sarawak, matlamat check & balance akan berlaku.
Yg pasti majoriti org muda diketepikan bila bersuara. Yg ada cuma jadi penumpang. Sebab tu bila kamik berkalaka ngan sidak org muda banyak isu baru yg ditimbulkan.
Sedikit demi sedikit mentaliti spoon feed kian berkurangan. Bila analitikal dan reasoning telah mengambil alih perbincangan glgn muda ini akan menjadi tsunami pressure group dalam senario Sarawak.
Mohon glgn muda di Sarawak terus berbicara terutama di kampung kampung.
Saya setuju dgn kitak..
Mun org mudak kinek tuk sik cuba mengubah cara berfikir dan membuka minda mereka...sampe bila-bila org kita sik maju dan akan terus ketinggalan..
Org muda haru berani...no more "Auk Boss" "OK boss"
Bukan di tempat kita sio jak ada masalah mcm yo..kmek di saribas tuk pun pio juak...
Sidak di ranting dan cawangan ,semo dah nak expired..membaco pun sik pande ,nulis pun sik pande...ni gayo...
Sidak pemuda..banggo mun dapat ngantung endero..yo jak kerjo sidak...nak nambah ilmu ahli ,endang sik ada..
Balo Saribas