
Showing posts from July, 2012

Fiqh Perubatan...untuk pesakit yg berpuasa...Perkara yang tak membatalkan Puasa...

PERKARA YANG TAK MEMBATALKAN PUASA DALAM BIDANG PERUBATAN 1) Semua jenis suntikan (Intravenous atau Intramuscular) kecuali Parenteral Nutrition (Fluid Therapy) 2) Tablet NITROGLYCERIN dan yang seumpaman dengannya yang diletakkan di bawah lidah (sublingual). Biasanya digunakan oleh pesakit jantung. 3) Semua bentuk rawatan yang melibatkan kemasukan benda atau ubat ke dalam faraj seperti VAGINAL SUPPOSITORY, PENCUCIAN (DOUSH), VAGINASCOPE atau tangan doktor yang memeriksa pesakit (VAGINAL EXAMINATION). 4) Semua bentuk tiub atau bahan yang dimasukkan melalui saluran kencing seperti URETHROSCOPE, BARIUM, PENCUCI URETHRA. 5) TAMPAL GIGI atau CUCI GIGI selagi mana ianya tidak ditelan. 6) PENDERMAAN DARAH atau MENERIMA DARAH. 7) BANTUAN OKSIGEN atau GAS PELALI (ANAESTHETIC GASES). 8) SEMUA JENIS KRIM ATAU MINYAK YANG DISAPU PADA KULIT walaupun dibekalkan dengan bahan kimia yang menyerap ke dalam kulit. 9) AMBIL DARAH untuk ujian makmal. 10...

8 Simple Steps to Help You Prepare for Ramadan

Have you ever wondered why it is difficult to concentrate in your prayer? Or why your faith throughout the year is not on a high like it is during Ramadan or through Hajj? Maybe it is because we usually jump straight from a phone conversation into Takbir or because we just go with the flow in Ramadan and are influenced by the environment around us and not our own ‘real’ feelings. A lot of us usually live life and have our faith dependent on an upcoming major event i.e. “I’m going to start reading a page of Quran a day as soon as Ramadan starts; I’m going to start praying Qiyam every night when I come back from hajj; or, I’m going to stop smoking when my child is born.” And because of this way of thinking we usually end up with an anticlimax; we don’t end up giving up smoking, we don’t end up praying Qiyam and we start reading Quran but then get back to our normal old self after a few days or weeks. This is because these ‘statements’ or ‘feelings’ are based on impulse and not a...

At 3am…..In the stillness…in the Tafakur n Tahajud…

At 3am…..In the stillness…in the Tafakur n Tahajud… Silence is the space in which sound can exist. Stillness is the space in which life comes to life. If you listen only to the sounds, only to the noise, there is much that you will miss. Listen also to the silence, to the space between the sounds. Listen to the silence, and what you’ll hear are the limitless possibilities. Experience the stillness, and you’ll discover how it feels to be fully aware. It’s great when life is filled with sounds, colors, activity and excitement. It’s even better when all that activity of living is grounded in real and meaningful purpose. In silence you come to hear that meaning. In stillness you come to know that purpose. Make a place in each day for the peaceful stillness. For it is the place where all that is possible takes shape.