
"Adakah rupa ,umur dan jantina dan kedudukan seseorang itu mempengaruhi layanan seorang doctor keatas nya?"Tanya seorang sahabat kepada saya petang semalam.

Ini adalah soalan cepu emas.....

I'm not so sure...there is no solid answers .....but when i looked back...i m more thorough with kids and orang tua.
Kedudukan seseorang?....kalau kenal may be lama sikit berbual mengenai hal -hal lain atau berbual mengenai keadaan semasa...
Jantina...a bit segan dgn org perempuan...esp bila nak palpate dan bertanya soalan yang sensitif...kalau dgn org lelaki amat senang sekali...tapi kita mesti bertindak professional dan beretika......dan jangan lupa chaperone

Joke....bagaimana rupa mempengaruhi layanan doctor....

An attractive, perfect looking young girl, chaperoned by her ugly old aunt, entered the doctor’s office.
“We have come for an examination” said the young girl.
“Alright,” said the doctor. “Go behind that curtain and take your clothes off.”
“No, not me” said the girl. “it’s my old aunt here.”
“Very well,” said the doctor. “Madam, please stick out your [



tokasid said…
Salam mamat:

Yes mamat, we face that 'problem' everyday.Not only to doctors but to others too.
Insan tend to take appearance and one's position or status when giving out services to others.So what we normally see is: those who have status(political or the right connections),those how are relatively rich gets the best treatment from doctors,from the front desks,from lawyers and even from the postmen.

We just refuse to see that a 'lowly' person might be better than us in terms of iman and amal or they have better adab than us.

I think the first thing for us to do is be humble to ourselves. And remember why and for what purpose are we here? What did ALLAH say about that purpose: Untuk menjadi hamba yang ta'at kepada ALLAH.
If we can set this straight and the fact that we are all the same(only level of taqwa separates us)then I think we will treat all customers and all patients the same.InsyaALLAH.
mokk said…
Salam...thank you so much...kerana ingatan itu...
Semuga Allah menerima pekerjaan kita sebagai ibadah kita dan sentiasa mendapat RahmatNya..Amin
Anonymous said…
Salam Bro,

ada satu jer yg selalu i rasa tak puas hati masa jumpa doktor. kalau kita tgh queue tunggu turn kita jumpa doktor rasa nya macm lama sgt doktor tu check other patient. but when it's my turn, kejap jer rasa.

sesi dengan doktor biasanya begini:

doktor: anu bin anu. sakit apa?

anu: sejak semlm bla bla bla bla..... sini sakit bla bla bla bla bla...... dah tak thn sangat ni.....

doktor: ada muntah? sakit kepala?

anu: bla bla bla bla......

doktor: ok buka mulut (sambil pegang torch light ngan kayu aiskrim)

doktor: aaaaaaaa

anu: aaaaaaaaaaaa

doktor: ok angkat baju dan tarik nafas(sambil ambik steroskop)

doktor: ok. (ambik termometer sumbat dalm mulut anu)

anu:emmmmm (dalam hati:"harap2 sakit tak serius, kalau dapat MC 3 hari. canteeek")

doktor: ok dah (ambik termo)

anu: demam ke doktor?

doktor: ok sakit sikit jer.... bla bla bla bla bla makan ubat bla bla bla lepas 3 hari bla bla bla. ok?

anu: boleh MC tak doktor?

doktor: MC satu hari hari ni. esok boleh kerja

anu: ok (kedekut nye doktor ni. Lain kali gi klinik lain lah)

so, semua ni tak lebih 5 min pun. tapi masa tunggu kat luar, bertelur haaa nak tunggu.

penantian satu penyiksaan......

Perantau Vaie di UAE
mokk said…
Salam and tq mr perantau Vaie UAE..

Ya lah kalau tak banyak yg nak di pereksa tu...memang cepat.
Ia nya bergantung dgn history penyakit dan simptom penyakit setiap pesakit itu...
Anonymous said…
salam to mok dan tokasid ,
tu yang Prof Danaraj suruh tengok patient masa dia jalan masuk nak jumpa kita macamana?adakah maligerer ka atau betui betui patient.
salam to Perantau Vaie,
doktor yang dok tunggu dalam bilik rasa lagi lama tau.Bila la patient nak abih ni?ehhehe...
Dear Dr Mokk,
A friend of mine relate this advisory note while he was in San Francisco.

When you go for prostate examination which necessitate the placement of gloved digits into your backentry please note the followings:
1.The dr lubricate the digit adequately.
2.It must be performed in well lighted room and chaperon even with male dr.
3. Take a deep breath as advised by your Dr.
4. While feeling for prostate its quite reassuring to have the doctor's other hand steadying your posterior.
5. While having the prostate examination,It is NOT a good and reassuring to have BOTH of his hand on your shoulder to steady the examination!!!

I dont understand the advise given ,what do they mean by that?
Ha ha ha
mokk said…
Number 5 tu bahaya...when both of the doc's hand on your shoulder...ha ha

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