Pisang kah atau tofu

Singapore’s Society for Men’s Health and a pharmaceutical firm are proposing a four-point scale for erectile dysfunction, allowing men to rate their own hardness with four categories: cucumber, unpeeled banana, peeled banana and tofu (bean curd). Just couldn't imagine macamana Dr TA ambil history daripada patient. Dr TA: Encik macam mana....ada serupa Buah Pisang ka? Pisang di kupas? atau sama itu Tofu? Mr D: Tak tau inncik..apa itu..dia punya rasa ka?Mana ada sendiri rasa punya? Dr TA: Ayo yo! Bukan dia punya rasa...dia punya kiiirraass juga! Mr D: Itu macam ka...ada rupa itu To Fu jugakk! Reported on Elixir News : Pfizer has unveiled a new erection hardness tool which will enable men to take more control of their erectile dysfunction (ED) management and measure the success of their treatment. This new tool is based on a 4-point scale which identifies grade four erections as the optimal treatment goal for men with erectile dysfunction. The launch of the Erection Hardness Sc...